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His fist to hit myself ,myself have a boxing will fly out of its detonation .relationresultNoretreat meaning ,the burning flame once again from the fist to take out ,it will boom in the body of Fang Yunrui time, a gold yellow light appears in Fang Yunrui it is basaltic armor .
relationresultKa Ca ... ... Basaltic armor fist was sent to pieces ,but taking advantage of this the time for a pause ,Fang Yunrui also came to the thunder fist strong shoulder .relationresultTwofists almost at the same time went on the other side of the body, ray intense eyes flashed a depressed ,depressed person who actually have a layer of armor ,or each other fist can detonation of their own, can be depressed to depressed ,he still occupy the absolute advantage, after all ,replica louis vuitton,their own bombardment is the other side of key, and the other one is just hit his shoulder .
relationresultHe will notsuffer .relationresultBut when theparty Yun Rui fist fell on his shoulders ,replicalouisvuitton,he knew he was wrong ,and wrong .relationresultItmay seem a simple punch ,in boom came and no vision ,but when the blow fall on his shoulders when, the empty seemed to fragmentation ,a horror to unimaginable power went on his shoulder ,suddenly his shoulder the whole breaking, together with the broken and half .
relationresultHisfist ,but Fang Yunrui went out of his heart ,a giant fist mudra .relationresultHowcould you do this ?This guy power may not so great ?relationresultRaystrong heart depressed was completely replaced by fear ,especially looking at oneself that almost collapsed half of his body ,his back was a broke out in a cold sweat .
relationresultWere it not forhis boxing will fly out of the detonation ,or the other of the punch to bomb in their own words ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton G9f%E,maybe your whole body will be broken off ?relationresultWhat a terribleforce , relationresultButafter shock ,ray burning is outright anger ,or the hidden in vivo purple scorching mumbo jumbo consciousness outright anger ,upper and lower body into the purple dark green ,around the flame is more rapid in he gathered ,he absorbed ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton,used to repair that a collapse of the place ,and the a great figure from the void of the manifest out slowly .
relationresultIt wasa handsome appearance ,with a purple hair ,also with two angle man ,when the man made manifest when, a violent, destructive ,crazy smell throughout the canyon .relationresultSeeingthat a great figure ,real figure, Fang Yunrui was also slightly Zhen Zhen ,he can feel ,this is not the fire element force of condensed form, but night fans population such as the godhead .
relationresultThe Godhead?relationresultGodheadmanifest? , relationresultHe should havemanifest God ,did he have the purple scorching mumbo jumbo on earth the other eight block heart all the debris absorption ?relationresultFang Yunrui wasshocked ,but he also unwillings to lag behind ,in the face of the Yan purple Lord of the Godhead ,the mere purple scorching mumbo jumbo a negligible part of divine power ,or even just leaked a little power, he had not the slightest idea .
relationresultThe gods wish tomove, knows in the sea of eternal opened his eyes, the huge figure also stood up ,so from the void manifest .relationresultThe same great,equally full of coercion ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton J9c%j,the same as .
relationresultSee Fang Yunruiwas also able to manifest such a huge shadow ,ray strong face is variable ,but absorbed his purple heart scorching mumbo jumbo eight fragments of the force, which can manifest the godhead .
relationresultHowcan this guy ?relationresultDid healso absorbed what force is not? , relationresultHeartshock at the same time ,the great figure in front of stepped out one step ,suddenly a purple dark green stabs ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton D0c%Z,even into clouds of purple flame wave ,so the full volume to Fang Yunrui and the giant shadow .
relationresultFire wavebillowy and come ,Fang Yunrui immediately feels like an ordinary person in flames ,he has no doubt that ,once he was the fire wave submerged, using their own bodies will be burnt to ashes .
relationresultThis time,soul is shot ,the same single foot forward stepped out one step, will see the body before the void start blast fragmentation, a growing rift at the violet flame .
relationresultFang Yunrui has nomagical powers ,no property ,no particular energy ,he only had was omnipresent force ,strength ,power .relationresultWhenthe a fragmentation of the space in front of the fire ,the fire break in in full fury was smashed ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton S3n%m.
relationresultBut this time,soul and the great figure is at the same time forward out of the fist .relationresultTwo hugefist in the air ,suddenly the sky smashed ,a black constantly emerge ,the opponent ,and even if the glass is the arm punched pieces ,but the soul was also the purple dark green light ,saw his whole arm are burning up .
.. ... , relationresultAsharp pain in Fang Yunrui mind ,and that the purple scorching mumbo jumbo does not seem to stop suddenly ,his Yishengchangxiao ,the intact arm stretching up ,to a huge claw ,caught directly to the soul of the crown .
relationresultThe clawis yet to come eternal body before the horror of the purple ,dark green has diffuse out ,direct burning soul is a pain, arm on fire is burning in the shoulder ,seem to be just a little more ,will whole soul burns .
relationresultIn the face of suchsituation Wuhun ,without the use of powerful forces forced open the fire, nor to resist ultraviolet scorching mumbo jumbo that stretched to the paws ,but with the rest of her hand on his chest to .
.. ... , relationresultThe same time,Yishengchangxiao since martial mouth came suddenly ,the whole world ,began to shake ... ... , relationresultThis,Fang Yunrui is realized by fourth type of nine xiao , relationresultChapter 397th days broken knife , relationresultChapter 397thdays broken knife , relationresultWith thisa loud roar, the purple flames quickly dissipated, even purple scorching mumbo jumbo body also is such a sound to shatter ,onto the flames almost disappeared, while the thunder burning is more shocking is not inverted out ,at the same time spurting blood .
relationresultBlowoff ,eternal huge body toward the front step ,the remaining arm has had broken dry ... ... , relationresultSoa boom in the Yan purple devil ,already began to fracture the Yan purple lord where can bear such a blow ,was thoroughly shattered ,in that the purple light .

