
beats by dre pro of working men The

Smartly cut and shaped in black leather, this fashionable footwear for males is an interesting development in shoe design. Designed for maximum comfort and performance, they are fashionable and efficient. Elegance and scientific research come together in the product, mens puma ferrari drift cat black shoes.

Such shoes have not always been available. The Zulu chief Shaka thought up a new way of turning bare feet into shoes. He made his soldiers stamp thorns into the dust until their bare feet were so hard and thick that they served as army boots. A Zulu army could traverse great distances over rugged terrain wearing their free feet army shoes.

Although leather must be the most popular material for making shoes, other materials such as wood and metal have been used from the earliest times. In recent time the wooden clog has been replaced by the plastic one which may be even better at coping with walking in water. Rubber, canvas and jute are also popular materials for cobbling and we should not forget Cinderella's slipper, made of glass.

During the Renaissance shoes had very long, dangling toes. This suited court fops who liked to prance about and give themselves airs and graces. However the design fell out of fashion after several incidents in which men running away became entangled in their own toes, with unfortunate consequences.

During the industrial revolution shoes became more practical and robust. Thick soles and hard toe caps were suitable for the practical activities of working men. The Duke of Wellington noticed that his men struggled to walk through thick mud wearing leather boots. He ordered tall rubber boots for his troops and these Wellington boots are believed to have been instrumental in the Duke's famous victory over the French at Waterloo.

Two world wars occupied human intelligence and endeavour for much of the twentieth century. Army boots made of thick leather shod the feet of millions of men. Sports shoes were derived from army designs. Rugby boots were made of heavy leather and had studs screwed into the soles to prevent slippage. Long distance races were run in canvas tennis shoes with soft rubber soles. They offered very little protection from jarring or chafing and frequently tore the toe nails from athletes' feet in the course of a race.

The period after the World Wars is known as the post-modern period. Hippies and Beatniks chose to wear home made leather shoes, of any design so long as it was not conventional. But at about this time sport science began to influence the design of the running shoe.

Specialization advanced rapidly with the growth of sports science and sports medicine. New fabrics and composite materials were used in order to improve circulation around feet and protect them from jarring and chafing. Shoes like mens puma ferrari drift cat black combine the most up-to-date research into foot health with the fashionable elegance associated with brands like Ferrari. They can be worn for both performance and fashion,beats by dre pro. Related articles:

