
cheap beats by dr dre o dismount the half

Chapter 388 ten thousand in beg to hire
At the end of September, Li Qing An's 2,000 troops arrived the month surname national capital city slow city, the month surname country is the form of address of Chinese people, the native son then is called to vomit the fire Luo's country, at a few before the month of vomit fire Luo battle be over after, the slow city then became Tang Jun's conductor to cure.
Tang Jun rides soldier's brigade fore go toward the company way of slow city up slowly drive, seem to be very silent, here leave the slow city still have ten inside, the both sideses are all low short hillocks, the bush is thick.
Li Qing An rides right away, he is lifting up head to hope several Cang eagles that in the sky hover around, he at gold full county once kept one to hunt eagle as well, but he moves ground leaf after, his eagle have no heel to go and stay at Mt. Heaven, probably that is an eagle for having tender thoughts of home town.
Li Qing An smiled to smile, the vision fell again at distance of slow city up, this be still he stepped on to vomit the fire Luo's interior region for the first time, originally he wanted to rush through Anne once western whereabouts reason river west crisis, but went stone sweat that time, then received the news of the west of Anne, river west crisis already the dust fall to the ground, Anne's west throws away sweet, the Su is two states and 20,000 troops, should say this result good to his expectation, he thought at first that can protect sand state, doing not hope can protect troops, but finally belong to effort of the Liaos in Anne's west under, finally protect half troops.
"Hum Duo I river west, did he think and then calculate so?"
Li Qing An doesn't get around frustrate, he has already written a letter to return to, the responsibility load of the river west incident at oneself shoulder up, he is a commander-in-chief, should not lead the army personally to believe virtuous so faraway place, cause Anne's west appear power blank, this is him military tactics arrangement up of mistake, he should make Li Guang Bi gain confidence to the south virtuous, but he beats to vomit fire Luo.
Secondly he underrated the heart of Li Yu to own alert, he also knows that himself/herself and Li Yu will break off sooner or later, but he has never expected their to break off to must be so quick, this was his the gist, he really don't expect, otherwise before the south advertises for, he will definitely in advance arrange the defense of the west of good river.
However, a little Lee celebrates Anne how also think impassability, Li Yu why the meeting suddenly start to the river west, according to reason, he on all sides wreath the enemy , before an opponents didn't handle, then start to oneself's this superficial ally, this is the imbecility of a kind of political top, see from Li Yu understood by him, he should can't make this low class mistake, besides he nearby still has Li Bi, this time connect Li Bi have never also advised Zu he, explain that my noodles contains a kind of the reason that Li Yu has to begin to I.
What is that this reason actually?This lets Li Qing An 100 think not to get its solution.
"Great commander soldier, general Lee came" a close soldier shouts the way of thinking that the voice interrupted Li Qing An.
Sees the distance rush to a brigade to ride a soldier and is exactly to vomit fire Luo, chief commander, Li Guang Bi, , , a short moment for the person of head, Li Guang Bi dashes away to come forward, he turns over a body to dismount, the half kneels to the Shi Yi's military salute of Li Qing An, "the end pays respects to Li Guang Bi great commander soldier"
Li Qing An hurriedly dismounts and handed he, say with smile:"Vomit the fire Luo's war this time, luckily and only Bi elder brother."
The hurriedly modest way of Li Guang Bi:"The vulgar job just by luck wins, if has no soldier in river to inhibit to shout that Luo Shan greatly eats a soldier the east aid, this war who's the winner, didn't°yet in order to can know, the vulgar job wants to invite an achievement for soldier in river first."
Li Qing An ordered to nod, "the achievement of the soldier in river I from will consider, but only Bi the elder brother is modest if valley really make people respect and admire."
"Do not dare don't dare great commander soldier over speak."
At this time, Li Guang Bi points at a flank again one grow to very and fatly vomit fire Luo the middle age man's way:"This is the month surname country first, new king Luo hears a great commander soldier to come over and rushes through especially to pay a courtesy call on."
Luo first and hurriedly kneels down, respectfully to Li Qing An Ke head, "month surname Nu Luo pay a courtesy call on Zhao Wang's his highness first"
One side of Li Guang Bi again introduction way:"Luo first the king originally vomit the fire Luo's great commander and lead 30,000 soldiers to surrender Tang Jun, dead because of old king, I then and temporary sign him as new king and also invite a great commander soldier approval."
"So that's why"
Li Qing An smiles to start to hand he, "king's his highness start to please and lead a soldier to surrender big Tang and be good enough to see your sincerity, so from now on, I formally agree that you are a month a surname country new king."
Luo first and hurriedly thanks humbly, he cannot helps but a Qi way again:"Zhao Wang's his highness, month surname foundation of a nation for big Tang Shu Guo, greatly eat east vomit fire after expanding Luo the various country be frequently plea for help to big Tang, however soldier in the sky don't go to and vomit fire Luo hard holdout big anthropophagi, against will decline it, now sky dynasty battalion into halt to vomit fire Luo, return we freedom, we would like to year by year pay tax a hard labor for big Tang Shu Min, implores Zhao Wang's his highness to stay us in the home country, don't make us stay far away from home."
Li Qing An saw one eye Li Guang Bi, Li Guang Bi point northern side, he this just understand, press the oneself's first order, resist the whole country to move wave know mountain is mineral book, so the month surname, Gao Fu, and Wang Ting,cheap beats by dr dre...etc. vomit fire Luo the big country must move to walk to be a to all can not escape.
Although this isn't very realistic, several 1,000,000 of vomit fire how the Luo person may move to walk, not and greatly in disorder can not, Li Guang Bi don't carry out as well,he has no business cancel, only etc. Li Qing An to come to just can cancel this order.
Li Qing An didn't directly reply, he to Luo first light way:"This matter I from will negotiate with Li Guang Bi's general, you get around first"
Luo first and flurried went one gift and kept on backing.
Li Qing An waits he to walk far, this just to Li Guang Bi's way:"The miner lacks Che elbow always west is at Anne, although civil move be not realistic for mineral book,vomit fire Luo have to give me miner."
Li Guang Bi has already considered a mature project, he hurriedly way:"Great commander soldier, might as well use the way of a hard labor, and Central plains similar, vomit fire Luo's man the beard take hard labor for two months and let them dig a mineral annually, can prolong to endow with by offsetting a tax for a hard labor time at the same time, I specially once investigated and vomited fire Luos would like to arrive a tax to endow with by hard labor."
Li Qing An wanted to think and then noded in response to the way:"This way can go, if can form system, the person of the solution Su's country can also put back and equally carry out hard labor system."
Solved this important event, Lee only the heart of Bi in immediately and easily come down, then say with smile:"The great commander soldier is all the way hard and please with the vulgar job go into the city take a rest."
"Really having a little is tired, want to sleep well."
2 people have already said to smile toward the city inside but go, on the road, Li Qing An asks a way:"Shout Luo can the Shan there have action?"
"There is also no action so far, however the vulgar job estimates, the big anthropophagi in no case will be kind give up, half year after, they are inevitable meeting distinctly east advertise for."
"Why to is half year?"Li Qing An smiles to ask a way.
"The big anthropophagi also calculated to relatively understand to us, there is no the preparation of half year, they can't easily the east advertise for, can once preparing half year, their anti- rush toward by all means is a battalion to press on to the border, great commander soldier, we also wanted to enter upon to prepare, so as not to catch unprepared by that time."
"You say quite goodly, the big anthropophagi in no case will be kind give up, I rush through back this time, also for preparing for a big food."
Make reference to this, Li Qing An turned a topic to say with smile:"River the matter of the west did you hear?"
"The vulgar job is to just understand, the imperial government makes use of a great commander soldier the opportunity in Anne's west suddenly started revolt to the river west not, the opportunity pours is hold very good, however the vulgar job thought and threw sweet, the Su was two states, don't necessarily bad matter."
"?You said to see, where is the good matter ?"
"Let at least we in advance know two Pan thieves, but great commander soldier again many a person just."
"Your standpoint I agree with, the land threw to also take back, but the talented person is to can meet moment by moment, Wu Yong makes me feeling delighted, this person really can weigh to use, however river the matter of the west didn't finish and waited I to solve big anthropophagi, I will make them can not eat Dou to walk, how take away, how still come back for me."
At this time, Lee only the Bi suddenly think of one matter and then say with smile:"Make reference to a talented person, I pour to think of one matter, there is Xing Liu's text private, say from Chang-an come to go and live with you, not far ten thousand inside, a heart wants to letter to to be virtuous to seek you, but fall sick at slow city, this person really is a Chi, however pour to have a little a knowledge."
"What knowledge does he have?"
"He says saint up by all means wants to begin to the river west, you lead the army personally to believe virtuous but not at Anne west, perhaps hard save river of the Wei of west."
Li Qing An's one Zheng hurriedly asks a way:"Is this person where?"
"Is this person at inside the slow city, convalesce for a month, recovered from illness quickly, said and want to letter to virtuous seek you."
"Soon take this person come to see me"
Go into the city, Li Qing An stayed at the surname palace, a short moment in month, Li Guang Bi gets one person to see Li Qing An.
Li Qing An sees this person age about 45 years old, probably is the beginning of big disease the cause more, the body seems to be very thin and feeble and then says with smile:"It is said that you want to letter to to be virtuous to seek me?"
That person hurriedly comes forward a Gong body to salute, "descend an officer to pay respects to a stanza degree to make a great commander soldier"
Li Qing An's one Zheng, "are you officials?"
"Descending the officer is west city the often even office office make, however have already resigned from official position, not far ten thousand insideses come to Anne's west to seek a stanza degree to make great commander soldier beg to hire."
Li Qing An orders and puts to say with smile:"The Sir Pleases sit down"
Text private the side body sat down, Li Qing An asked a way again:"Excuse me, Sir your surname?"
The private of the text this just think of he or she don't register, hurriedly apologetic way:"At under Xing Liu Ming Yan, word private Anne, the Cao state person's surname."
"Liu Yan?"
Li Qing An suddenly thinks of this person seem is also medium Tang the famous person manage finance by being good at but stay at the history, however is many of medium celebrity Tang have already didn't meaning to Li Qing An, he even connects Du Fu, Wang Wei et als all lazy must seek, mind is in his brain one Shan but lead, he then says with smile:"I listen to general Lee say, the Sir can know the matter of the west of river in advance, this is why?"
Liu Yan has already heard that the river west changes as well, he be still night one-step, in the eye not from a bit gloomy, then sigh a tone way:"In fact the imperial government crisis is four Fus, the foreign invasion is layer after layer, the north has Anne the Lu mountain wolf sub- greed, and then has Wu Wang, Jing king and Shu the king inside peep nation and Zhen Ge with the Dan, the dynasty middlemen all think all foreign invasions in take Anne Lu mountain as most, the saint falls into trap first in addition to Anne Lu mountain, but I think, is by all means to begin to the great commander soldier first on the saint, by all means will beat river first west."
This is exactly Li Qing An 100 think to don't understand of riddle, he immediately the spirit greatly flap and hurriedly order an or so way:"Give the Sir last tea quickly"
One cup tea on the or so close soldier, Liu Yan starts to carry cup, drink one mouthful tea, this just not not tightly slow way:"The great commander soldier must be very strange, why be eager to beating river west on the saint, actually is Anne west the dollar ask for the disaster of ."
'Anne west dollar?'Li Qing An is some to don't understand, oneself a great deal of dollar importation Central plains, this should be the good matter and be like a great deal of pure silver clearly flow out go into similar, can consumedly increase wealth, how on the contrary will ask for a disaster to carry?But he didn't ask more, way:"Sir continue to say, please"
"The key is left to hide to save not enough 300,000 Guanses of copper moneys now, now the imperial government public finance is hard-pressed abnormality, connect me this has already owed a wage for two years as well from the minor official of seven articles, but river Huai and Jing Xiang, Ba Shu and Hebei river east these the tax aring wealthy ground of endow with again luck don't go to the capital, on the saint for raising money already quickly and urgently crazy...."
If"etc." Li Qing's safety hit broke him, strange tunnel:"Imperial government not is have a work department and will make Jian?In there is officer Jiang tens of thousands, they can burn to make a china and create paper, can sell to Anne west, I give him the dollar of the quality goods at reasonable prices, so not rich?Is how can helpless?"
"What great commander soldier says was an old matter."
Liu Yan's wry smile is one- track:"The arms Jian still has some officer Jiang, besides which, , there are also other craftsmans in[at] where and all respectively made a living now, even if have officer Jiang, have no money to buy raw material is also in vain, the original place authorities still has some Juan silk fabric of stock to wait light goods, can have already been sold out by Yang Guo Zhong and change of Qian Bo also already drive first the emperor spend lavishly an empty, I often go left hide and close win each officer Cang, all is already empty empty, now big Tang's circumstance people rich the officer is poor, these people aren't common grass people, but each greatly believe in room power expensive, Hao door huge Gu, hearsay Guo country the madam own wealth not next must Guan, the imperial government is poor tinkling ring, the power is expensive but rich flow oil, want money to recruit on the saint, in the hand but have no money, how do?"
"Is that emperor's father to have enemy with Yang Jia?Killed Yang Jia, isn't money billowing since then?"Li Qing An has some despise ways.
"The affair isn't so simple, Cui the imperial concubine of saint would is Korean madam's female, there being also Yang Guo Zhong this is mutually right at, don't dare to easily move these powers on the saint expensive, really make, then give the Fan the kings to teach with the gossip, they then will unite to send troops and outside have a big soldier to press on to the border, inside have the power the D internal rebellion that is expensive to conspire, even also organize a Chuang, but imperial government troops shortage, why reply?"
"So he takes me to have operation, can this have what relation with my Anne's western dollar?"
"The great commander soldier hasn't to know, degree pays the card shark fifth Qi is me of good friend, he privately once revealed for me, on the saint from first the database inside the emperor got a batch of silver ingots, about 300,000 catties, on the saint then prepared to use to publish money, contain the amount of silver as each Qian Yin Er's copperses eight, arrive 50 moneys by a money, in everyplace compulsorily exchange copper money, and strictly forbid private Zhu money, this in fact be become to mutually publish big money, like this then can quickly get money 2,400,000 Guans, in order to mercenary, this is the way that is the fastest to take effect, Anne west the dollar in great quantities exist, new Qian Fa of saint can not promote."
Li Qing An is mostly some to understand, then say with smile:"He those silver ingots are still that I send to first emperor of, however I still keep a little bit doubting, my Anne west does the dollar have so big influence?"
"Influence very and greatly!"
Liu Yan sighed a tone way:"I am an often even office office to make, how the meeting don't know Anne west the importance of the dollar, just start, Anne west the dollar mainly was collected, circulated to pour not and greatly, but afterwards more and more, everywhere all appeared, started in great quantities circulating, now have already become big Tang first coin, is exactly its existence, formerly first the emperor cast of the money is a text to be 100 texts, can now on the market be worth five texts, the great majority company spreads to also accept, as for other families cast of the inferior money is more unmanned to ask about, Chang-an person's buying a rice don't accept as well and tries to ask, in this case, on the saint a text be how to publish as getting up the money of 50 texts?Compulsorily exchange a copper Qian Zhi will make world greatly disorderly, so saint up have to block up the inflow of the west dollar of Anne, once Anne west the source of the dollar be blocked up, new money will quickly Anne west the dollar drive out City, did the great commander soldier understand?This call the base coin drives out good currency, only river west the control live, so as to block up Anne west dollar."
"What a person with very limited outlook!"
Li Qing An sneers at one- track:"Big world, can his thinking to take down river west block up my dollar?I can lend a way to vomit Fan, can lend a time He, even I can hide Pu to go out to sea from the side and walk sea road to Guangzhou, he can block up live?From his words and actions in east temple, the emperor that I still thought that he would be a to take people as origin, saw to mount the throne, is still a birds of a feather, don't dare to move power an expensive milli- hair, dares to take small and weak people to have operation."
Liu Yan Di sighs a , way:"I at first is also thought like this, I sent to him to the great and earnest hope, but he could not mount the throne half year and then wanted to become to mutually publish big money and looted the weak people's wealth, it made me disappoint of pole, so I left a vulgar officer and came to Anne west the wish was a great commander soldier effect."
Finish saying, Liu Yan's station starts a Gong to arrive ground, "minister Liu Yan wish to register for Zhao Wang his highness effect, imploring his highness."
"Like well" Li Qing An gladly promises, "the Sir can temporary do my staff and plan and prepare west Qian Liang of Anne for me."
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