
cheap beats by dre volume of cup with

45 people, Zhang Zhe's in the mind a happy, dark way this old guy may guess oneself is boring, must be look for person to accompany oneself to talk.
Take a little to expect, Zhang Zhe quickly jumps down a bed and runs to the front of the prison door and make great effort slanting the head see to the stairs.
Is gradual, five people's outline is ambiguously appeared Zhang Zhe's canthus, Zhang Zhe makes an effort more of slanting head, finally saw pure this several people's appearance.
However, these people not equal to Zhang Zhe imagines medium come over to accompany he or she to chat so of, contrary, from they the cruelty of the look in the eyes, could see, these guys are to come to seek Chi, accurately said, is precept Zhang Zhe.
Need not ask can also guess this how many guys is who send, and send the purpose that they come to this, just, also have some to make Zhang Zhe think impassability, since does the cloth thunder want to deal with himself/herself, and then why the need for use this funny method,cheap beats by dre?Directly take person to teach he or she don't go for a while?Why the need for let the hand xia body be subjected to the disaster of jail again?
Certainly, Zhang Zhe's viewpoint already can't someone then explain with him, because this a few full faces are bad and smile of guy, have already entered into prison building smoothly, transfer under guard these 3 people and come over still keep being two bodyguards that before transfer under guard Zhang Zhe, they just after saying"hurrying is finished" in a hurry leave here, obviously don't hope to this matter to undertake a responsibility.
Leave of 3 people, should all is join the army to choose in the brigade, from body form and the step of defense that they took a stroll see, the real strenght of this a few guys is not definitely common, really, all of this several individuals are the close Wei of clothes thunder, all after jing pick thin select of jing English, sent them, be for the sake of better precept Zhang Zhe, who all knew, in the troops not only trained the war power of warrior, equally still needed to train some ability that the acceptances beat up, certainly, some techniques that interrogated a prisoner also have to control, these interrogated technique is it happened that is all some molestations to kill a person bao dew not of method, for making Zhang Zhe realize to livinged the fellings of not equal to dead, cloth thunder especially idea handle knob next medium means' most cunning three guy partieses enter prison building, for of be tormented a dying of Zhang Zhes to live, can not also make the other people see what.
The original cloth strikes by lightning to directly look for person to do Zhang Zhe on the whole, it happened that Zhang Zhe again so worth money, baby's younger sister and then ask for a favor for him in front of father, father although doing not promise,also ordering strictly oneself don't provoke him, for making up drive Zhang Zhe's novella pain and sufferings, the cloth thunder had to choose the method that descends jian and let the under charge pretend to be a prisoner, malicious discard the guy that dares to throw oneself to descend sea.
The abacus of cloth thunder beats quite goodly, and seeks of under charge also meanly can, but regret of BE, he underrated Zhang Zhe's real strenght, Zhang Zhe dares and throw down the sea to him, definitely have the ability of self-preservation, although in front three guys is fierce,is not Zhang Zhe's opponent, until three guys haven't faced a superior at the moment of awakening, remain a full face the Yin smile of close to Zhang Zhe.
Zhang Zhe has already been approached a bedside by them, is just preparing to suddenly and violently rise a raid, but the guy being led the way wave hand to stop, Zhang Zhe sees their 3 stop a step and also press down hair not, want to see this a few guys intend to play what pattern come out.
The guy that listens to most the left side says at this time:"Bo Dun, mulberry Ji, two of you stay back and see me coming to tidy up this guy."He is from the Dou in take out a small scaled electric drill, intentionally turn power on to let that electric drill send out the voice of Weng Weng to ring, the tian wears lips Yin to smile of see toward Zhang Zhe.
Who know that the guy that lead the way disdains to cold hum 1, flick to scold a way:"Idiot, you give°ed his joint to drill, he can not physically disabled, he discarded, the castellan seeks who take money?Say to prohibit castellan one Nu under, we all to bury alive, you this idea don't go, the cloth thunder young master says to teach him, don't discard him, I see still ten fingers him to break, even if!"
The Zhang Zhe in the mind sneers at and break finger be O.K. been like by what he said pretty benevolent of, really don't know this bastard is not is have intention to play himself/herself, he has never heard ten connect heart?
This plan scolds him two, can the words haven't exported, drive the last guy compete first Rang way:"Stop, stop, you do two guys say all to is what baloney?Did the finger break to still give° him to discard?The castellan starts to ask when the time comes, we how give an account, much less this boy returns a relationship with young lady not general, if show young lady he to get hurt, perhaps will make it lively for us."
This words say of still be pretty like a person's words of, Zhang Zhe listenned to also not the jin secretly nod and pay no attention to peep out some smiling face, even he the big pock-markses of full face all felt warm many.
Moreover two guys also deeply wrinkle up eyebrows and almost and all agreely ask:"That do you say that how should we do?"
This pock-marked face didn't talk, the Hey smiled a mo a water cup, Zhang Zhe doesn't understand its idea, the heart cannot help but marveling:"Indeed as expected and viciously account to strive for, unexpectedly thought of to support to kill himself/herself with water!"Want to think, Zhang Zhe all smiled by himself/herself, the stem swallowed one mouthful spittle, silent encourage for him in the heart, hope that he pours several more of water to infuse to kill their himself/herselfs!
Can the fact usually outrun an imagination, this guy left hand once water cup hold, the right hand is close behind to start to carry a white rat again.
Zhang Zhe Yi Leng, close behind exclamation:Is indeed as expected vicious, unexpectedly thought of to use rat as his/her own dinner, absolutely is a bastard of hundred percent, however is more better than moreover two guys, at least he didn't want to discard himself/herself.
Can his smiling face haven't just hanged on the face, another two guys but compete first smiled:"Ha ha, mulberry Ji, I early hear you this guy idea poison, indeed as expected be known for to rather meet, brothers I taught!"
The pock-marked face is self-satisfied on smiling, so makes a modest way:"Where where, everyone is a brothers, He Tan Shou is free from to teach to consider as an outsider so of topic."
Finish saying, 3 people mutually see cachinnation and see all wish the method of this guy of being in use.
Zhang Zhe doesn't understand they why smile so happily, but from they the full face is Nue to smile idea up see, this method must not is feed oneself to drink water to eat a rat so simple, cannot help but tight Cu eyebrows, ask a way:"You is this what mean?When am I nonexistent?Take a rat to want to frighten me?Is true be I paper paste does the mire knead?"The Zhang Zhe full face sneers at and ruthlessly despises some kind of of 3 people in the heart, the heart says that Lao Tze took lizard to be in those early years lord meal, you did a very small white rat want to intimidate Lao Tze?It is most to is an after meal dessert.
Three guys don't get mad because of interrupting of Zhang Zhe, contrary, the Rao has conjecturing of fascination he, the pock-marked face signals hint him to introduce water cup and rat for Zhang Zhe to the guy Nao Nao mouth for leading the way of method of using.
The guy of leading the way is cloudy to say with smile:"Boy, the little rat is to frighten not to pour you, can its top plus a cup again, enough you to heart's content enjoyed."
Zhang Zhe Leng hums a , obviously have never understood him to say what.
This guy disclosure Zhang Zhe didn't be subjected to Nue of awakening, continue Sen however way:"Boy, you imagine for a while and put a rat on your naked belly, what will he do?"
"Certainly is run away!"Zhang Zhe turns over cold stare and gives him a facial expression of idiocy.
"So, on it set cup?"That guy continues to induce.
Zhang Zhe measured land the physical volume of cup with the vision, sneer way:"Return ability how, at most limit its freedom, lucky of words, it also gives me Nao Nao Yang."
"?So ……"the pock-marked face Be lamentable to shake head in one side, the inside takes out a lighter again and swayed to sway to say before Zhang Zhe Lian from the Dou:"If, plus this again?"
Zhang Zhe's in the mind a surprised, almost and in a twinkling understood the meaning of these guys, if on set of rat body live cup press in a person of belly up, again use the small fire bakes in the outside and like this and constantly increases calories, will make rat fidgety, even crary, crary in of the pyramid scheme want to seek a cool place, will use a tooth not to stop to tore Nao with the claw son, strong and tough cup wall is impossibly drive it break, so, the breakthrough of rat order and then will put on the nether belly, a person's belly even if again is strong and tough, also impossibly hard lead the claw son and tooth of rat, so, old Related articles:

